Anonymous vectorization of the information field in the pseudo-public space of the Image of the Beast
Crystal clear vectorization of the field of thought in past centuries – precisely marked sources of propaganda and opinions
In past centuries, public space represented real, real-life meeting spaces for people. In the closest circle of the family or alone with a PRINTED book, magazine, newspaper, a person consumed expensively written, typed and printed information of other SPECIFIC people. When receiving any informational content, it was by far the most common in the past centuries that it was possible to determine exactly the originator of the voice or the originator of the text. From the originator of the information, it was possible to clearly determine in which direction ALL thoughts from this source would go.
Everything was clearly visible and one could easily clear the information field by simply omitting one side’s information (properly marked by the issuer) and keeping one’s favorite. One clearly knew what he was being influenced by and whose side he was on.
The pseudo-public space of the Internet completely changes the rules of deception
The programmed metric of the Internet’s emotion-driven information dissemination makes billions of tiny interventions in all information dissemination over the Internet, completely anonymously. At the same time, however, just like the human power propaganda department , they are guided by clear orders: Increase reach by provoking conflict among users, evoke emotional tension of the lowest human emotions – and strangely enough, strengthen natural human lawlessness, i.e. opposition to God.
This constant modification of the entire content of the Internet information field is reminiscent of the work of billions of agents and censors, who, however, leave no marks behind. This huge work is done for only one entity, for the unreal Image of the human “public space”. Since it is ANONYMOUS, one cannot exclude it from the information field and get rid of its influence.
The spiritual essence of worshiping the power of the Image
Understanding the phenomena of influencing the human mind by slowly replacing reality with monitoring online social networks is VERY difficult for the reader, because it is no longer a matter of pure common sense but a spiritual matter, a matter of faith. The terminals of the unreal Image of the system, mobile phones, replace the spiritual intercessor for people and become an artificial “god” for people . This is described in the Bible as “falling away from God” and being infatuated with Lawlessness, worshiping the Beast and his Image.