Serious Relationship

Serious Relationship

Definition of a serious relationship

The term “serious relationship” is used mostly by women in their description of what they want. Originally referring to love leading to marriage, in recent times the sentimental meaning of this phrase has been used to denote a situation where a wayward woman can assert her claims on the man to whom she wants to marry.

The phrase “serious relationship” is used to indicate a state where a woman can already claim services designated exclusively for his beloved bride.

What does the term “serious relationship” mean today

The phrase “serious relationship” is thus used as an expression of a situation where a man allegedly already has an obligation to fulfill the claims of an autogamic woman – in the same way as if she were his beloved and chosen wife.

In recent times, the enforcement of these claims is exclusively associated with the trafficking of the female body, where a woman uses her body as the basic currency for her demands.