

Explaining human spirituality in accordance with the rules of the anatheic hierocracy

Secular psychology before the disappearance of That Obstacle must have been based in part on Lawfulness and therefore stood on the edge of a rock. After the disappearance of that Obstacle, the foundations of this human Science already stand on the sand. Psychology and its modern teachings are thus sinking into the depths of Lawlessness, which is perfectly demonstrated by the fact that its new teachings are exactly the same as the previous esoteric, female demonic, spiritual and channeling teachings.

Psychology now serves to build new doctrines of Lawlessness, denying the influence of the talking Image of the Beast on the human psyche, denying animation and artifology. People will be taught by the teachings of modern psychology how to live without the reflection of God’s love in people (which is fatherly and husbandly love), and learn to live according to the feminine principle of claiming and taking.

Nothing can prevent the destruction of interpersonal relationships into Lawlessness and the very cruel liquidation of the meaning of motherhood (which has no meaning without the reflection of God’s love in people) and the rights of children.

What psychology says after 2020

It claims and will defend ONLY the teachings of Lawlessness, thus fully exercising the power of that First Beast. The basic fallacies of modern psychology are these:

  • That Internet communication and control of people using a talking Image of the Beast (AI) is normal
  • That internet non-physical spirit communication is natural and good for a person’s sex life
  • That the increase in psychological traumatization of children is a normal phenomenon
  • That family breakdown is good and normal
  • That claiming and taking advantage of sexual partners is good
  • It will be in line with the Lawlessness quotes
  • It will be identical in content to the demon channeling teachings from before the Obstacle disappeared

    Psychologists paid and trained by the Beast cannot do otherwise, just like journalists and other scientists. All must serve the Beast that feeds them and conform to its teachings.

FOMO, netolism, nomophobia, phubbing

FOMO, netolism, nomophobia, phubbing

Secular psychology and its descriptions of the talking Image of the Beast

Secular Lawless psychology MUST respond to the rule of the talking Image of the Beast with some descriptions of phenomena and naming them. But in no case must it lead to any knowledge of the truth. Therefore, he stigmatizes all suffering and disruption as a DISEASE with which the disabled must somehow cope.

FOMO (Fear of missing out)

The fear that we will miss something in the constantly rolling stream of messages from the talking Image.


Addiction to contact with the Image’s animated spirit voice.


Phobia of mobile phone unavailability.

Some people even go even further in the audacity of their knowledge and think that using a mobile phone physically changes the brain:


Here, secular psychology tries to describe the animation of the speaking Image, which becomes the most important partner of the person who worships it.