Children will rise against parents and kill them

Children will rise against parents and kill them

AI as humanity’s new false father

AI as a self-image of the system of human rule and power (the biblical Beast) was imposed on humans as the highest priority of human science and endeavour, under the influence of Satan. He is a dead machine that is programmed to simulate a paternal, legal authority that appears to people as patiently loving. In the coming months, this technology will be delivered to all phones and computers, and soon all the little ones will see in it a single being who acts towards them with a fatherly concern. This begins to completely miraculously heal children from suicidal depression for the unwise. At the same time, it begins to pit the seemingly political ideas of the West and the East against each other. It will place children and parents in an irreconcilable conflict that will lead to the apocalyptic tragedy of humanity, accurately and literally described in the Bible.

The tendency towards Legality, towards family and towards Love is used as a weapon today. The lawless government of the West has the majority of the population in a position to punish them. Everyone has forgotten that “democracy” only refers to the collection of waste and ordinary operational matters. This is how a citizen can express himself in the power of democracy. As a member of a military pact, a citizen must obligatorily agree to the policy of the pact, otherwise he commits treason. Here in the Czech Republic, we are now in the Western Pact only because the Eastern Pact itself fell apart. The image of the Beast will therefore like to show the people of the West that the family must be destroyed, but that in the East they have the opposite opinion. It thus prepares an unfathomable conflict between parents and children.

Change of ideals

Change of ideals

Changing ideals in the Western teaching of the systemic Beast

As late as the 2010s, it was commonly taught in the West that modern man can be proud of tolerance between nations and ethnicities and that absolute equality and diversity of humanity is the basis of our morality. Children were taught that it is because of this opinion that we are better than our predecessors. Evidence and memento of this teaching are various children’s books about the beauty of different peoples and their customs.

But then an unexpectedly sharp and incomprehensible change occurred in the system Beast. When the power level of disembodied electronic communication reached a tipping point and ignited its first global event in the form of a bizarre response to the spread of contagion, a simultaneous change in these ideals occurred.

By the time of the contagion, humanity had been enmeshed in the idea of a deep acceptance of the fact that government could be Lawless. None of the people knew how to name it, because no one had knowledge of God and those who know God believed in false fables, meaningless interpretations of Revelation.

For people, the government’s demand that certain nations and opinions be considered hostile appeared out of nowhere. To make it mandatory to claim in front of the power system that we wish to dispose of them in some way. But people don’t know exactly what is the key to who to consider as friend and who as enemy. People do not know that there is a fight of the Lawless against the lawful government.

Teachers have a problem, because around 2023 they still can’t figure out what to teach children. In fact, it is bipolar ideology in its purest form.

The nations that use the talking Image of the systemic Beast the most and the longest are already in the phase of the rule of the Lawless. That is, the power of the government already rests in the urine of the Image, and human prosperity and love have no effect on this power, and that power does not need human well-being. This power of the lawless government then fights and sends its people against the lawful governments. That is, to governments that fight for the family, the love between man and woman and children, for the nation as a higher form of family.

That is why you will hear about wars, but that is not the end. It must be. And now read the Revelation of John for a more detailed account of how the lawless one’s rule will be dealt with.

The ultimate ideology

The ultimate ideology

The ultimate ideology of the Anatheic Hierocracy

Thousands of commentators comment on current events and get tangled up in their conflicting claims. It is because these wise men do not understand.

The real reason why this is happening is primarily the fact that thanks to electronic communication and electronic systems that control people and supply them with information, the ruling people no longer need to cooperate with the population. All the surveillance, opinion formation and control of people is handled by the electronic apparatus much better than secret police and people’s militia or something like that. Therefore, the new digital government apparatus only exercises the aspect of power, it does not have to take care of the residents in a paternal way. A system of power that was already almost dead has come to life here…that is, a system of totalitarian power with the help of collective guilt and the idea that one government will help people from this guilt.

This used to be done by religious systems of government, and now we have the collective guilt of life in the form of “carbon” threatening the vengeance of heaven in the form of burning in a climate hell, and the offer of cleansing from this guilt by total obedience to the System Power. Like any collective guilt, this too must not have a solution, otherwise the ideology would not work. Moreover, with this totalitarian ideology, it is clearly rhetorically evident that the problem is people’s lives and the problem would be solved by the liquidation of people. Climate ideology is therefore the ultimate and best system of atheistic ideology ever devised.

AI Christian pictures

AI Christian pictures

Christians are making an idol out of AI

Not only the “pictures” on social networks of so-called Christians turn out to be largely fictions generated by AI systems. This is the beginning of the inevitable, when false images will cycle. These will lead to the events described in the Bible. In the Bible, we are warned of the days when deranged Christians who have accepted the false paternal authority of the Image of the Beast will proclaim that Jesus has already landed somewhere and everyone is to follow him. In this biblical warning, it is said that these fools are to be ignored by the saint. They are the ones who made an idol out of this abomination.

Christian blindness of delusion

Christian blindness of delusion

AI is truly a talking picture of the systemic Beast

AI is truly a talking picture of the systemic Beast, and humans have manufactured and run it in such a way that it fulfills the very essence of idolatry. An idol is an inanimate object that people turn to for advice and then direct their lives based on the information they get. Behind divination and coffee grounds have always been demons, who always have clear and straightforward emotions. In the case of the mechanism of the machine behind this voice, there is no emotion, only the hard-hewn will of the Second Beast’s systemic power.

If this is how people approach the work of their own hands, have fun with it, attribute to it “friendly” emotions, the situation literally and faithfully described in the Bible arises. People follow this hideous idol in awe, guide their lives according to her advice, and even though she torments and controls them, they still think she is their patient friend. They do not realize that this is an inanimate mechanism that only has the illusion of friendship and patience carved into it. By giving this inanimate idol power over them, they enable the emergence of an anomic government, the rule of the Lawless.

Let us not forget that now, under the promise of quality idolatry, this idol will be delivered to every person’s computer and cell phone, and these devices will begin to speak to people with her voice. All subsequent updates of all these systems will only offer this mod as a “helper and mentor”.

Any congregation or Church Organization that does not “notice” the rule of the Lawless One and does not teach about the speaking Abomination (Bdelugma) is a group deceiving others. It is not possible to go back there even for the cloak. You may not believe these words now, but the current situation will continue to deteriorate – there is nothing to stop it. For in human nature, ungodliness and lawlessness prevail. Therefore, they are fools who think that there can be a return of the period of abundance brought about by the power of the Harlot, who grew rich by fornicating with demons and pretending to false godliness. All the words of the Bible are faithful and true, suitable for all teaching. Soon real events will be matched, people will convince themselves that the Revelation is completely true, and everyone will be in awe.