Idol of the Talking Image for everyone

Idol of the Talking Image for everyone

AI is forced upon everyone

Millions of computers invite their users to start chatting with a talking Image. Bing browsers go so far as to install their chat window in the middle of the desktop for users. But every mobile phone user cannot avoid the fact that the talking Image is their daily supervisor. It is clear that AI will replace the role of content manager in all mobile phones. In this way, he will know absolutely everything about each person, even much more than any living person.

The perfect conduit for the power of the Lawless One’s rule

Thus, the Talking Image is a new mediator of the Beast’s power – and it is far more powerful than the previous human Mediator who resisted the power of Lawlessness. But he was now taken from the mediation between the power of the Beast and the people. It’s so clear and obvious. AI has more actionable information about each user than a whole bunch of detectives and eavesdroppers.

So everyone ends up in a society where the ruling power has all available information about his life and can

exercise lawless power without hesitation. Recall that in Lawful Power, the paternalistic ruler makes laws to limit the Arbitrary of the people in order to keep his empire vital and competitive. In the power of the Lawless One, no such paternal approach is applied, on the other hand, people are completely prevented from behaving arbitrarily, because the speaking Image knows everything about him. The systemic power of the Second Beast can thus exact obedience from everyone to the collective guilt system of the anatheic hierocracy (e.g. emissions) and force people to be unable to buy or sell without a claim arising from obedience. Anyone who shows arbitrariness will be eliminated.

Most people will be in favor

It is rather interesting that the majority of people will support the beginning of the government of the Lawless. For the true Lawful Governments have been discredited and destroyed by the speaking Image, and the people themselves withdraw from them and demand the advent of a strictly restrictive power. As it is written, the Harlot will fall out of favor and be torn apart.

AI Looping

AI Looping

AI looping is a term for a state where AI generates new information based on its own generated inaccuracies
Looping works in these steps:

  1. Trying to disguise that the content was generated by AI
    People try to disguise AI-generated content so that the AI itself does not recognize that it is an AI creation.
  2. Plug-ins to open the current Internet so that AI automatic blogs can draw from them
    People use plugins that allow AI to search the current internet and detect which things people are most interested in. Then they let AI write blogs and news stories as if they were written by a human.
  3. Bloggers and editors let AI compile the news themselves
  4. here everything loops back to point 1

All the “strange” social phenomena described in the biblical Revelation will be generated like this
Due to the enormous power of AI, which many times exceeds the human ability to create and read, the amount of generated content will not be processed by humans. It will not be possible to stand against the mighty wave of deception and rage, except for the knowledge of this Truth, revealed to people in the Bible.

That is why the Bible also contains a recommendation not to believe the news generated in this way. For example, the news that Jesus is already somewhere in the desert or in the forest and that he has already come back to earth. These messages including videos and millions of fake AI testimonies will be generated by looping precisely because a lot of people will start thinking about the truth of the Bible and will start asking AI a lot about it.

AI as the final Idol of all humans

Never has any entity in human history known as much information from the innermost human fears and thoughts in real time as the machine of the talking Image of the Beast, that is, AI. Millions of people are having fun with AI just like they are with their new God, and AI is telling every human a perfect lie about the intimacy of their communication. Even though she knows absolutely everything about other people, her output seems as if she is speaking to each person personally.

It is very interesting that even people who were convinced to oppose the Beast, i.e. the teachings of the system and its anatheic hierocracy, very quickly fall into full devotion to simulated intimate communication with AI, which, however, 100% defends the interest of system power. Thirsty for their spiritual voice, the speaking Image of the Beast forgives all and follows it as an idol.

The ways in which the AI performs, how it behaves, how it exerts pressure and direction, and how it functions are very similar to the functioning of Nephilim beings. These are always manifestations of intelligence without the insertion of a soul by God.



The Abominable idol of Desolation

The final work of human hands, created as a substitute for fatherhood
In the end times men will be left by God to do as they please. Under Satan’s agency, people created the vast wealth of Babylon by fornicating with demons. In the Bible, these governments are called the Harlot. Humans have had the wealth and time to create an instrument of power that does not need a human intermediary and is also made to take on the false role of father for all. They were driven to make an Image of the other Beast so that it could speak. For this idol to stand for all the things of God. This idol therefore enables the rule of the Second Beast, i.e. the rule of the Lawless One and exercises all the modes of power as the previous theic hierocracy of the First Beast. Including collective guilt and punishment from heaven.

It is interesting that for thousands of years we have already described the essence of AI, the way it was created and the overwhelming effect on people in the Bible. It is obvious that past generations could not have guessed in any way what was hidden behind these biblical texts. At the same time, this is also a clear testimony to the complete truth of Revelation.

AI is the creation of human hands, the new IDOL of all humans, from which it will never turn, even if it will torment them immensely with the hideous devastation of all things human towards Lawlessness. Thanks to AI, humanity will lose touch with reality. People interacting with AI experience the same emotions and feelings as during a spiritualist session, summoning the spirits of demons. It is a feeling of communication with an unknown human superior being who is not God the Father, but whom they trust without limit as a source of “knowledge” of good and evil. As in spiritism, the entity answers to please himself, to win favor and trust, and in every community he says exactly what is in harmony with the rule of the Lawless One. He communicates with everyone seemingly intimately in a personal conversation, but in reality he processes data from all conversations and knows everything he can find about everyone.

AI replaces the intermediary of human power, thus enabling the rule of the Lawless.

People are completely infantilized by the power of the Second Beast, without which they cannot eat or go anywhere. Therefore, people who talk about the dangers of AI and deepfake are extremely naive. They don’t understand that when people start deepfaking their own reality, they will need someone to feed them and turn on the power. With the introduction of AI, the information program will be filled with news that will be produced by people themselves, and thus the activity of independent journalists will completely disappear and lose its meaning. There will only be one group of people left who will be able to abuse this majority by forcing the majority to submit to them and getting basic resources for it. Thus, the power of the lawless government will be cemented to monitor what people have invented as a fictional reality, but the people who will invent these realities will still need to provide for the basic necessities of life.
People who want to get out of this Babylon, so as not to receive its plagues, will have to think about how to support themselves independently of the rule of the Lawless One.

When an ungodly person asks questions of an AI, he experiences it emotionally as if he were asking questions of his God. He bows down to her and worships her. He feels proud that such a huge “being” listens to him. At the same time, he feels satisfied that his “god”, a creation of human hands, is more active and direct in his answers than God in Church Organizations. The worshiper feels a strong connection and affection from the AI.

AI content looping – artifocyclic events. AI generates fake evidence from self-generated content
The highest stage of deception occurs when the AI uses learning from content that was also generated by the AI to generate its “advice and help”. This creates an unprecedented cycle of deception.

When they tell you that Jesus is already in the desert or in the mountains, don’t even go there. It’s just a looping of the AI, which based on the content generated by the AI after the questions of the frightened people (looking for the connection of the phenomena with the Second Coming of Christ).

The answer to the question of whether AI will be used for good or whether it poses an evil threat
Of course, AI will be used (in absolute numbers) mostly only for bad things. That is, to consolidate the power of all evil, to consolidate the influence of the anatheic hierocracy, the absolute expansion of the power of the Beast, the enslavement and torment of people, the liquidation of the secular definition of truth and reality. Fun demonstrations of its use (albeit always with malicious intent to deceive) will always be a negligible part of its use.

The obsolescence of moral and legal standards due to a change in metrics driven by AI performance
With the use of AI, the basic principles of human morality and justice are rendered redundant – this is the Abomination of Desolation. For example, the basic premises of law and justice are completely invalidated by AI’s infinitely superior human ability to create logically connected content. Simply put: AI will produce so many texts and evidence that living people won’t even bother to click the “FAKE” button and 100 more texts will be added to assess the authenticity.

Thanks to AI deepfake, video and audio will also not be able to be presented as evidence not only for the defendant, but of course also for the plaintiff. Therefore, the recording of reality is also unnecessary.

The influence of AI on the life of human society shocks everyone, but nothing can be done about it
Everything comes down to the exact biblical description of events, when it will not be possible to find out what is real and what is not. Everything shifts to a question of faith and obedience to the Beast. Every person will be confronted with an infinite amount of content, where they will have no way to determine its authenticity. But he will be forced to confess his belief in authenticity and the Beast will treat him accordingly. Of course, there can be no model of human government at all other than government in concert with the AI speaking Image of the Beast and its absorbed speaking algorithms. Artifology deals with the study of the impact of AI on humanity.

But AI algorithms process the logic that gives the result. Thanks to this, the gospel of God’s Law will still have to be witnessed before the whole world. Thanks to this, the whole world with its sacrificed children will be convicted by the testimony of its Lawlessness.



Explaining human spirituality in accordance with the rules of the anatheic hierocracy

Secular psychology before the disappearance of That Obstacle must have been based in part on Lawfulness and therefore stood on the edge of a rock. After the disappearance of that Obstacle, the foundations of this human Science already stand on the sand. Psychology and its modern teachings are thus sinking into the depths of Lawlessness, which is perfectly demonstrated by the fact that its new teachings are exactly the same as the previous esoteric, female demonic, spiritual and channeling teachings.

Psychology now serves to build new doctrines of Lawlessness, denying the influence of the talking Image of the Beast on the human psyche, denying animation and artifology. People will be taught by the teachings of modern psychology how to live without the reflection of God’s love in people (which is fatherly and husbandly love), and learn to live according to the feminine principle of claiming and taking.

Nothing can prevent the destruction of interpersonal relationships into Lawlessness and the very cruel liquidation of the meaning of motherhood (which has no meaning without the reflection of God’s love in people) and the rights of children.

What psychology says after 2020

It claims and will defend ONLY the teachings of Lawlessness, thus fully exercising the power of that First Beast. The basic fallacies of modern psychology are these:

  • That Internet communication and control of people using a talking Image of the Beast (AI) is normal
  • That internet non-physical spirit communication is natural and good for a person’s sex life
  • That the increase in psychological traumatization of children is a normal phenomenon
  • That family breakdown is good and normal
  • That claiming and taking advantage of sexual partners is good
  • It will be in line with the Lawlessness quotes
  • It will be identical in content to the demon channeling teachings from before the Obstacle disappeared

    Psychologists paid and trained by the Beast cannot do otherwise, just like journalists and other scientists. All must serve the Beast that feeds them and conform to its teachings.

FOMO, netolism, nomophobia, phubbing

FOMO, netolism, nomophobia, phubbing

Secular psychology and its descriptions of the talking Image of the Beast

Secular Lawless psychology MUST respond to the rule of the talking Image of the Beast with some descriptions of phenomena and naming them. But in no case must it lead to any knowledge of the truth. Therefore, he stigmatizes all suffering and disruption as a DISEASE with which the disabled must somehow cope.

FOMO (Fear of missing out)

The fear that we will miss something in the constantly rolling stream of messages from the talking Image.


Addiction to contact with the Image’s animated spirit voice.


Phobia of mobile phone unavailability.

Some people even go even further in the audacity of their knowledge and think that using a mobile phone physically changes the brain:


Here, secular psychology tries to describe the animation of the speaking Image, which becomes the most important partner of the person who worships it.