Situation in early 2023

Situation in early 2023

Many Christians support the arrival of the Lawless Government as well

For thousands of years, government has been the representative of Lawfulness. Legality is the name for limiting self-willedness with the intention of keeping society functional, prosperous and vital. Lawfulness comes from paternal love, but a human father can also be very evil and strict. That is why many governments had very strict laws that greatly limited self-willedness. The concept of liberal democracy is practically synonymous with the rule of the Lawless.

There was a certain notion that a self-willed society limited by lawful government was a “free democracy”. The epidemiological frenzy of the early 1920s was a birth pang and permanently ingrained in the people the delusion of resistance to human lawful rule. Since then, after the removal of the Obstacle from the power of the Second Beast and the talking Image – the rule of the Lawless One begins. Many are very involved in activities of resistance against human legal governments, thinking they are serving God. But such people do not know what and for whom they are fighting – they do not know the Enemy and do not know to whom they would actually like to hand over the government.

Deluded Christians have no problem participating in anti-government demonstrations. Deep down, however, they have already loved Lawlessness, because they are demonstrating against all legal power.

What is the rule of the Lawless and what are its characteristics

Before the disappearance of That Obstacle, the Beast secured its power by means of humans, these intermediaries had to be partially legal. So the power left people self-willed and had a mandate to punish in case of breaking the law. Power over people was exercised in this way. In the Lawless Rule (which everyone now unwittingly summons), the Second Beast controls people by forcing obedience with absolute totalitarian power and forbidding self-willedness. This is only possible because the main executor of power is the talking Image of the Beast, which is convincingly demonstrated by the biblical Revelation.

AI will not invent anything new, but it will be able to monitor all users with its processing power and prevent them from self-willedness

The basis of the current deception of all, Christians and like-minded conspiracists, is their ignorance of the Enemy. Each has loved a completely different myth of enmity, and each will needlessly fight against a non-existent danger. Some will fight the illuminati, some the government, some the deepstate, some religious groups, financial groups. We can recognize the deceivers by the fact that they will babble on TV about “coming totality”, but they will not know WHO is behind it and what it should serve. But no one will fight against the talking Image.

The Talking Image is paradoxically loved by conspiracists, because it is the only one that OFFERS an alternative for a real takeover of power over people. It is no problem at all for AI to conduct comprehensive analyzes of every user of computer networks. The number of users in the world is ridiculously small compared to the power of AI, they can easily fit into one database.

AI playfully earns money to pay its technicians and its further development, controls cryptocurrencies. Even if crazy people expect salvation from this virtual being, the AI ​​will only come with an ultra variant of totality and create a complete dependence on its money, exactly as it stands in Revelation. This is the so-called rule of the Lawless One – so it is not the restriction of the self-willed free by law as before, but the new prevention of self-willedness by total control and deadly dependence on the talking Image of the Beast.