The Gospel, True Gospel, Gospel of God

The Gospel, True Gospel, Gospel of God

The word Gospel means “right, true news”

Every testimony about the things of God is “gospel”. The most important gospel is the message that the greatest and most important of all created things is Love. This agapé love is at the same time the reason for Creation and the existence of this world. God created our world because of Love, but it is not possible to create free love. Man’s free decision is necessary for the returned love of created man to God. Therefore, our world is created in such a way that, since the Fall, the energy of everything does not come directly from God himself, but from the heavenly powers (the Sun), whose prince is Satan, the most perfect of the created angels.

God’s Love is reflected in people as the father’s and husband’s love, this human relationship is then a faithful image of God’s relationship with people. Everything in our world is a reflection of God, the fact that we can understand, accept and love God is not because he is similar to us, but because we are created as a reflection of God. But we live freely in a world driven by forces we call “nature” and “forces, powers of nature”.

We recognize the Universe and the Earth as evidence of God’s glory and greatness, but this is not of prime importance. The Heavens and the Earth will pass away and God will create new Heavens and a New Earth for the Righteous, for people who have accepted the love of Truth and Justice here on the old Earth. And for those who understand and honor the reflection of God’s Love in people. That is the most important gospel.

The New Earth will be inherited by the Righteous, lovers of God and opponents of Lawlessness. The source of life and power on the New Earth will no longer be the Powers subject to Satan, but the source of all life will be God. Lawless people cannot be on the New Earth, because they have not accepted and do not understand Love, which is the center of Creation.

What the gospel is not and how the word is misused

Thanks to the action of Satan and his seduction of people to proud Arbitrary, there was an appalling desolation of all the thoughts of the above-mentioned Gospel. Exactly where God’s Gospel should be preached, exactly where perfect teachings of seduction are taught, killing the reflection of God’s Love in people. It is the teaching of the exact opposite, teaching the individual advantage of being saved from tribulation from the creations of human hands (Image of the Beast) to the safety of “Heaven”, where people will finally no longer have to deal with fatherly and husbandly love. This teaching is very much welcomed by all Lawless people.

This teaching is referred to as the “gospel” and offers lawless people the comfort and safety of saving lives. This appalling mutilation of the most basic and most important things of God is a mighty work of deception that must come in the last times, so that all lovers of these doctrines fall away from God in lawlessness. All lovers of lies will receive their lies from the talking Image of the Beast so that they fall in love with them and have no excuse at their Judgment.

The false gospels also proclaim that humans are destined for an immaterial existence in a sexless “Heaven” – thus denying the life of the Righteous on the New Earth. The false gospels deny the resurrection of the flesh on the New Earth, where the main difference will be the source of energy – God himself will be the sun, light and source of life.

Flat Earth

Flat Earth

The flat Earth theory is a typical example of the so-called proxy problem, a made-up problem used by the Image of the Beast in order to divert attention. In the case of the flat Earth, to divert attention from the simple fact that the universe cannot be observed and so no one know how does it look PRESENTLY. Nobody even knows that the universe has already ended and the heavens will soon be rolled up like a scroll.

New Earth

New Earth

New Earth (Kenogea), the inheritance of God’s righteous.

When asked about the topic of eternal life, the average believer today will likely not talk about the new Earth or the resurrection of the flesh as described in the Bible. Instead, he will most likely answer that after physical death, the human soul goes to a place called “heaven”, where it will reside for eternity as a sexless, immaterial, non-human ghost.

But for the righteous, they shall inherit the new Earth.

Of course, the Scripture in no way denies the existence of God’s sphere, the Third Heaven, and life in it. However, this is not the final place of residence of the righteous, but only a temporary state. People in the Third Heaven are waiting in separate compartments for God’s judgment and for the resurrection. At the resurrection, which will occur at the second coming of Jesus Christ, the human spirit then returns to our physical space and unites with a resurrected, immortal body that will eternally inhabit the new Creation, the new heavens and the new Earth that God will make.

And they shall resort to fables…

The shelves of church organization libraries are filled with books containing fictitious stories and made-up “testimonies” of alleged sojourns and experiences in heaven. Logically, this is nonsense, because the New Heavens and the New Earth have not yet been created, so no one can testify about them.

Love on the New Earth will not be encumbered with instinctive concepts of the flesh’s desire for quick and timely procreation. Also, she will not be burdened by the competitive struggle for a partner with the most beautiful body, which is common on Earth due to the running Time, but also, of course, because of human willfulness and sin.

The love of people on the New Earth will be the closest to the first children’s immature loves, when both lovers do not demand anything from the other, because they get everything they need from their loving parents. This is also the reason why in recent times there has been a major push to eliminate fatherly and husbandly love from human life.