As the angels

As the angels

Crowds of lovers of Lawlessness want God to transform them into sexless, incorporeal spirits who will never have to deal with love again.

Lawless fantasies about Heaven are based on a misinterpretation of Jesus’ statement “that men will be like angels”

When the Sadducees asked Jesus the question to whom the woman married by the seven brothers would belong in eternity, Jesus replied that in the resurrection, humans will no longer marry nor be given in marriage like the sons of this age, but will be like the angels. Based on this answer, it is widely taught in today’s Church Organizations that there will be no more love or relationship between a man and a woman on the New Earth, and that humans will be sexless beings, no longer drawn to each other by any force, and will just swirl aimlessly through space.

But in actuality, Jesus was answering something else

The question of the Sadducees (“Which of them shall she belong to?”) was based on the so-called levirate (brother-in-law) law, which dictated that if a man dies leaving no children, his wife should be married by his brother in order to produce offspring for his deceased brother, while this descendant was legally counted as a descendant of the deceased brother so that his name would not be blotted out of Israel. It is therefore a law that makes sense only in an environment where death reigns and where it is necessary to reproduce to preserve the family.

The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the flesh and life on the New Earth. They also did not believe in the existence of angels who already have imperishable flesh. Their question to Jesus was not a question about how it will be on the New Earth with relationships and with the love of a man and a woman, but a manipulative question with the aim of discrediting Jesus and the belief in the resurrection. The discredit was intended to confuse the naturally lawless people and make it easier for them to reject the promise of a New Earth. But since no one will die on New Earth, it makes no sense for there to continue to be laws that would regulate marriages for love to marriages due to the obligation to preserve the family line.

We also know from the Bible and from all the historical records of the world’s nations that angels could also reproduce and produce offspring – with the daughters of men. There are also many promises in the Bible that speak directly to the presence of children and relationships on the New Earth.

Lovers of the idea of a sexless incorporeal ethereal “heavenly” future are in agreement with the teachings of demons

In the teachings of demons and delusions, this idea is identical to the teachings of “overvibrating” into “subtle beings”, or various states of hallucinogenic incorporeal nirvana and a state of endless idleness in endless pleasures.