Anatheic Hierocracy
The ruling principle of the Lawless priesthood denying God in all aspects
The Anatheic Hierocracy is built on the teachings of the Second Science . In character it is a synonym.
Human science and technology have reached their peak in the creation of the Image of the systemic Beast, which has the power to speak to all people, to vectorize the information field by seizing power over the hypothetical “public space” of Internet social networks. From the moment when the human-created Image of reality on the Internet was simultaneously accepted as a tool for managing municipal (political) affairs, this Image of the systemic Beast takes over all power over all of humanity. This crushing defeat of the people is well described in the Biblical Revelation .
With the advent of the Beast Image government after 2020, all human affairs are controlled by programming internet algorithms. People are driven by these algorithms to conflict with each other, to maximize emotional tension increasing people’s attachment to the Image of the Beast, which will work very well. People do not recognize the origin of this power , because their vision of reality is covered by the Mark of the Beast on their foreheads.
The rule of men under the power of the Image has all the elements of the rule of priests in occult religions
The non-physical nature of the power of the Talking Image (which acts as the universal spiritual intercessor of all men) implies that ALL aspects of the reign of its power will have the same elements as the power of demonic religions . The original human politician, the ruler, has no more words, because he speaks in the real world about real problems. But people have mistaken the real “public space” for the world of the Image of the Beast. A new politician has a chance only if he acts as a PRIEST of the Image and ONLY solves the things that the Image tells people. All the things that the Image says are against God and are supremely blasphemous against God. That is why we call the rule of these doctrines ANATEIC HIEROCRACY, the rule of the priesthood denying God – going against God and his Law. That is, lawlessness .
The Anatheic hierocracy uses the classic format of CURSE , from which the people are to be redeemed by SACRIFICE. There is no need to present the curses of the Anatheic hierocacy here, because they are and will be the notorious filling of all days until the coming of the Man of Lawlessness.