Dictionary of terms of the Anatheic Hierocracy
Angels, demons, spiritual beings
Angels are ministering beings of God the Creator. Since they have abilities that seem “supernatural” to us humans, we cannot observe their activities. Angels who separated from God along with Satan are now called demons . It is not in our competence to discern which of them is one of God’s angels and which is one of Satan’s demons.
That is why God established a simple rule of thumb: ANGELS DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE FOR THEIR PERSON! A person should always appeal directly to God, otherwise he will become a victim of demonic deception.
An adversary of God cannot pass the test of 1 John 4. They cannot look you straight in the eye and say, “I was sent by Jesus Christ, who is God, who came in the flesh, died on the cross, and after three days rose from the grave and now sits on the right hand of God the Father; this Jesus is my Lord”
Demons as “aliens” in the teachings of the anatheic hierocracy
With the advent of Lawlessness during the reign of the Image of the Beast, there will generally be a departure from spiritual things and the control of the world by religion. The original Hierocracy ruling the nations is replaced by the Anatheic Hierocracy (which exercises exactly the same power over the people) and Second Science. The government of the Anatheic Hierocracy (the Second Beast) does not use religious terms, but makes full use of the simple extraterrestrial delusion. According to this doctrine, every being “from elsewhere” than Earth is not a “demon”, but an “alien”. The existence of these “aliens” is commonly used in the teachings of the Anatheic Hierocracy, including teachings for children.
Let’s not talk about technology, but about that Science that deals with practically useless things, the Anatheic Hierocracy
The following article is not about practical science, technology and knowledge of the workings of God’s Creation, but about the human effort to explain the existence of a world without God and Creation.
Official Science, i.e. the Anatheic Hierocracy, is forbidden in its positions to spread true Knowledge about God and Creation. They do not seek to provide knowledge of the Truth, but seek to deny God by all means. They try to provide explanations for various phenomena in such a way that God or any of his influence is not mentioned at all. Using many words, Science tries to disguise the fact that it knows nothing about the meaning or purpose of the described phenomena.
This is well demonstrated by the fact that most textbooks, encyclopedias and books contain the statement that “God the Creator was invented by primitive people who did not understand anything yet and were very stupid against us, today’s smart people. But we are not such fools anymore and therefore we already know that the following study is true…” Search for yourself in the books. In the Bible, this “Science” is labeled as “contrary doctrines falsely called knowledge”.
Science says that everything came into existence without meaning from nothing, while Scripture speaks of the meaning of Creation as well as the Creator.
Take care of what has been entrusted to you, Timothy, avoiding ungodly talk and contrary doctrines falsely called “knowledge.” 1 Timothy 6:20
The immense power of the Talking Image was also able to drive people mad with their own pride to turn their own technology in completely senseless and ungodly directions with no practical use. People were able to put into action only one revolutionary thing through Science – the Talking Image of the Beast.
Knowledge and its meaning for eternity
On the contrary, the knowledge that has been given to us thanks to the gift of wisdom is important and beneficial. Knowledge comes from God and always confirms God. It is also written that on the New Earth people will be taught sevenfold about all of God’s Creation. But when a person crosses the limits of Knowledge and begins to look for ways to deny God in front of others with his own pride, he becomes a spreader, an opponent of God, doing the work of deception.
Dark Matter
Dark Matter is the popular scientific name used by the Anatheic hierocracy for the material substance constituting everything in the spiritual world of angels and demons. Biblically, this type of matter is called “fiery stone”. Both worlds were divided by God after Satan’s rebellion and the flood in the days of Noah to limit the interactions between humans and demons, which led to the procreation of the Nephilim.