In the last days, people often search for answers as to what is the First Beast and the Second Beast of Revelation
The Second Beast is a system of human governments where the ruling ideology is anatheic hierocracy
The Second Beast forced people to develop the Image of the Beast, an incorporeal creation, the Internet and its “social networks”, which assumed the role of a false intercessor for the people and their spiritual voice. The Image grants the Second Beast unlimited power over mankind.
Since the Image is a machine, it does not have human needs and requirements for a happy family life – it is not threatened by a life without God’s Law. This removed the obstacle preventing the rule of Lawlessness over the people. People are forced by the power of the Image by all its delusions (vectorization of the information field) to accept Lawlessness.
The First Beast is a system of human governments where theic hierocracy is the governing ideology
The First Beast exercises his power through humans (also referred to as the Harlot), so he needs functional human workers, functional family relationships, fathers and their wives. Therefore, they must adhere to God’s Law willy-nilly.