The most basic Love is Paternal love, followed by the husband’s love
God created his only Son and by and for Him people. Humans are created to be the image of God and his love.
The creator’s love for his own creation, created from the need to love, is so perfect that there are no words to describe it.
God loves people with a fatherly love, for Jesus Christ the Church of lovers of God is His Bride and He is her Bridegroom.
The image of God’s paternal love in people is the love of a father and a husband for his wife and children.
Other types of love known to both humans and angels
The paternal love of God and man is offering and giving, it is masculine. A woman’s maternal and conjugal love is demanding and taking, it is feminine.
Demanding and taking feminine love is burdened by the uncertainty of paternal love. Even the first woman, under the burden of uncertainty about the paternal love of God the Creator, obeyed Satan and wanted to find a secondary way in case God abandoned people. Even God says that “the human heart is the most treacherous thing created”.
God gave His Laws to men to manage mutual conflicts caused by the treachery and mistrust of the human heart
God’s Laws exist so that paternal and husbandly love can protect a woman’s feminine love from falling away from trust in God and leaning towards teaching without God’s Law, to Lawlessness. That is why God’s things must be explained to the woman by the father and in adulthood by the Husband. Women without a husband have no possibility to come to the knowledge of the Truth during the reign of Lawlessness.
Just as people could not survive without God’s fatherly love for people, so children cannot survive without fatherly and husbandly love. However, for a certain period of time women and children can survive in imitation of the manifestation of fatherly love. Because it is possible to fake the expression of fatherly love through MONEY. The second Beast began to imitate fatherly and husbandly love and provided women with security, social status and financial income as a false “husband”. Women accepted the Second Beast as a masculine sexual Alpha authority and could completely ignore the meaning and purpose of fatherly and husbandly love because the Second Beast provided them with money to replace it. (see Feminism )
The monetary substitute for the expression of love is a deception and a trap used to destroy the main image of God in people
The destruction of the meaning of paternal and husbandly love by means of all the sophisticated deceptions of the Image is the abolition of the obstacle that prevented the arrival of Lawlessness , the abandonment of a life governed by the framework of God’s Law.
God’s Law and Sex
Only living according to God’s Law leads to sexual gratification of the body. People living in Lawlessness can never satisfy the desires and passions of their fertile bodies and will always seek new and new methods of satisfaction. They will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. The new teachings of the anatheic hierocracy of the Second Beast teach people various methods of trying to appease the flesh outside of God’s Law, but their primary goal is to destroy the image of God’s fatherly love and Christ’s spousal love in people.
Sexual rebuke and the loss of the meaning of motherhood among women during the reign of Lawlessness
During the reign of Lawlessness , women no longer have any confidence in their husband’s love for men, so it becomes unnecessary for men to demonstrate it to women. In a Lawless Government that will not take into account the desires of women, men will only be able to imitate the expressions of their husband’s love by providing money and services to women in exchange for sex . But in this world, children are no longer important even for women, because due to the absence of imitation of fatherly love by the Lawless Government and the abolition of the power of the husband’s love, motherhood has no meaning. Therefore it will be said “blessed are the women who have not borne children”, therefore women will abort their unborn children, therefore “woe to those who are pregnant and nursing at that time”.