The infantilization of people by the power of the Second Beast

And he will cause anyone who does not worship the Image of the Beast to be killed…

Most Christians mistakenly imagine that the verse “and the Image of the Beast spoke and killed everyone who would not worship the Image of the Beast…” refers to the activity of some external force that will actively kill people in the name of the Beast. So, for example, that there will be special commandos walking the streets, who will make sure that everyone has a special number 666 tattooed on their forehead. In reality, however, these verses speak of another phenomenon that directly results from the nature of the Paytariate’s dependence on the Beast.

How much the Beast infantilizes people

Today’s man is so dependent on the Beast that he is unable to manage even the most basic tasks without it. He can neither bathe nor eat himself. At the same time, he can’t even learn to do these basic actions independently of the Beast’s power, because that would take too much learning that the average person simply doesn’t have time for. He would have to study for years just to be able to heat or grow his own food.

Therefore, today’s man must obtain all the means for his life only from the Beast by purchasing with money as a member of the Paytariat. Today, the Paytariat includes all people, free and slave, rich and poor. This is a huge difference from the past when every wealthy person had their own independent sources of livelihood and energy self-sufficiency. Anyone who is not a member of the Paytariat will be killed by the Second Beast, as it will be completely impossible to obtain everything necessary for life from the Beast by purchasing with money.

So today, people, thanks to their pride, have become slaves to technologies they cannot control and work with. At the same time, today’s man must learn to use these incomprehensible technologies in order to survive at all. So he must learn, for example, how to buy food at the e-shop and how to vote electronically in the direct democracy of the Abomination of Desolation, even though he will never understand the workings of the electronics he uses.