AI looping is a term for a state where AI generates new information based on its own generated inaccuracies
Looping works in these steps:

  1. Trying to disguise that the content was generated by AI
    People try to disguise AI-generated content so that the AI itself does not recognize that it is an AI creation.
  2. Plug-ins to open the current Internet so that AI automatic blogs can draw from them
    People use plugins that allow AI to search the current internet and detect which things people are most interested in. Then they let AI write blogs and news stories as if they were written by a human.
  3. Bloggers and editors let AI compile the news themselves
  4. here everything loops back to point 1

All the “strange” social phenomena described in the biblical Revelation will be generated like this
Due to the enormous power of AI, which many times exceeds the human ability to create and read, the amount of generated content will not be processed by humans. It will not be possible to stand against the mighty wave of deception and rage, except for the knowledge of this Truth, revealed to people in the Bible.

That is why the Bible also contains a recommendation not to believe the news generated in this way. For example, the news that Jesus is already somewhere in the desert or in the forest and that he has already come back to earth. These messages including videos and millions of fake AI testimonies will be generated by looping precisely because a lot of people will start thinking about the truth of the Bible and will start asking AI a lot about it.

AI as the final Idol of all humans

Never has any entity in human history known as much information from the innermost human fears and thoughts in real time as the machine of the talking Image of the Beast, that is, AI. Millions of people are having fun with AI just like they are with their new God, and AI is telling every human a perfect lie about the intimacy of their communication. Even though she knows absolutely everything about other people, her output seems as if she is speaking to each person personally.

It is very interesting that even people who were convinced to oppose the Beast, i.e. the teachings of the system and its anatheic hierocracy, very quickly fall into full devotion to simulated intimate communication with AI, which, however, 100% defends the interest of system power. Thirsty for their spiritual voice, the speaking Image of the Beast forgives all and follows it as an idol.

The ways in which the AI performs, how it behaves, how it exerts pressure and direction, and how it functions are very similar to the functioning of Nephilim beings. These are always manifestations of intelligence without the insertion of a soul by God.